by Fitness Connectors | Apr 29, 2021 | Fitness Tips, News, Uncategorized
Almost every adult will face this health problem as they get older. But knowing how blood pressure might change over a lifetime can give people a better appreciation of why it’s important to keep it in check at any age. When left uncontrolled or if undetected,...
by Fitness Connectors | Apr 29, 2021 | Fitness Tips, News, Uncategorized
It’s a triple health threat faced by tens of millions of Americans. But few think about it until they’re forced to. Even then, the interplay between diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney disease can be a challenge for people to grasp. But doctors say...
by Fitness Connectors | Apr 29, 2021 | Fitness Tips, News, Uncategorized
Obesity drives up to half of all Type 2 diabetes cases in the United States, new research shows, highlighting the need for greater prevention. The study, published Wednesday in the Journal of the American Heart Association, found the frequency of obesity was...
by Fitness Connectors | Apr 29, 2021 | Fitness Tips, News, Uncategorized
As more people in the United States are vaccinated against COVID-19, and some areas experience a slowdown in virus infections, the nation is slowly starting to reopen. According to health care professionals, post-lockdown life should start with taking stock of your...
by Fitness Connectors | Apr 29, 2021 | Fitness Tips, News, Uncategorized
If lifestyle changes don’t work after six months, people with blood pressure that is a little too high may need medication to lower it, according to new advice from the American Heart Association.