Outback Physical Therapy-Brookline MA

Outback Physical Therapy-Brookline MA

When you need a physical therapist that can help to relieve your pain, call Outback Physical Therapy. We will ensure that you have access to the treatment options and methods that don't just treat your pain and discomfort, but actively treat the source of the problem. In our state-of-the-art facilities in Somerville, MA and Brookline, MA our highly trained and fully licensed staff provides rehabilitation services for a variety of injuries and conditions. While we treat all sports and orthopedic conditions, runners and running injuries are our specialty. Whether you need help with a recent sports injury, a chronic orthopedic problem, or post-surgical condition, we can help you develop an individualized treatment program tailored specifically to your needs.

(617) 718-9300
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475 Harvard St
Brookline, MA 02446
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