Advanced Spine & Disc

Advanced Spine & Disc

While it might seem significant that the spine is involved in so many functions, several medical conditions can cause pain and other symptoms along this nerve trunk. Many people have some kind of back pain at least once a week, which can log them in the office of an expert spine specialist in Murray. For everything from chronic back pain to a bulging disc, our doctors are here every day of the week. Advanced Spine & Disc does its best to take you through a full evaluation for any injury you may be experiencing, then customize its treatments for your specific needs. This is a great place for those who want a more thorough approach than generalized relief because it will allow your end-result both fast and long-lasting pain relief. Visit us today for more information about our available treatments.

(801) 747-7776
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5250 Commerce Dr #155, Murray, Utah, 84107 United States.
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